Teste 1: Língua Inglesa

Juliana Jenny Kolb

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Teste 1: Língua Inglesa

Questões extraídas de concursos públicos e/ou provas de certificação. Cada teste apresenta no máximo 30 questões.


#1. (NC-UFPR – ITAIPU BINACIONAL/2017) Computer Science is the study of computing, programming, and computation in correspondence with computer systems. This field of study utilizes theories on how computers work to design, test, and analyze concepts. Computer science usually has a stronger mathematical foundation than a scientific one and on some occasions may not focus directly on computers and their systems. 
 The text above contains:

#2. (NC-UFPR – ITAIPU BINACIONAL/2017) Computer Science is the study of computing, programming, and computation in correspondence with computer systems. This field of study utilizes theories on how computers work to design, test, and analyze concepts. Computer science usually has a stronger mathematical foundation than a scientific one and on some occasions may not focus directly on computers and their systems. 
In the last sentence, the underlined word one refers to:

Com base no texto, considere as seguintes informações: 
 1. O nome da instituição que desenvolveu a pesquisa. 
 2. O local onde está situado o estúdio Panoptic. 
 3. O número de pessoas que serviram como cobaias no experimento. 
 4. A época em que o estúdio foi construído. 
 5. A dificuldade de serem encontrados modelos humanos para interagir com computadores. 
 O texto apresenta as informações contidas nos itens:

A respeito do Panoptic Studio, local que serviu de apoio para o projeto, considere as seguintes afirmativas: 
 1. Recebeu uma doação para esse projeto há dez anos. 
 2. Tem dois andares. 
 3. Apresenta arquitetura com uma superfície arredondada. 
 Assinale a alternativa correta

A partir desse estudo, carros autônomos terão a possibilidade de:

In the sentence taken from the text: “The ability to recognize hand poses, for instance, will make it possible for people to interact with computers in new and more natural ways, such as communicating with computers simply by pointing at things”, the underlined expression introduces:

#7. (NC-UFPR – ITAIPU BINACIONAL/2017) Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggest that brainwave-sensing headsets, also known as EEG or electroencephalograph headsets, need better security after a study reveals hackers could guess a user’s passwords by monitoring their brainwaves.  
 Sobre a sigla EEG, considere as seguintes expressões: 
 1. Brainwave-sensing headsets. 
 2. Electroencephalograph headsets. 
 3. User’s passwords. É/São expressão(ões) que substitui(em) a sigla EEG:

#8. (NC-UFPR – ITAIPU BINACIONAL/2017) Asem Hasna lost his leg in Syria – now he’s 3D-printing a second chance for fellow amputees 
 The story of Refugee Open Ware, and one wounded refugee’s efforts to help his countrymen back on their feet. 
 For most people, the first time they use a 3D printer is to create a simple object – a fridge magnet or a bookmark. Asem Hasna, then a 20-year-old Syrian refugee in Jordan, began with a prosthetic hand for a woman who lost hers in Syria’s civil war. 
 Hasna had met the woman in 2014 in Zaatari, the refugee camp 65 kilometers north-east of Amman, the capital of Jordan. The young woman, who has requested anonymity, lost her right hand during an attack and was struggling to care for her two daughters. 
 Hasna, now 23, had just joined Refugee Open Ware (ROW), an Amman-based organisation that taught refugees how to 3D-print affordable artificial limbs for amputees. 
 A respeito do texto acima, considere as seguintes afirmativas: 
 1. Asem Hasna teve sua perna amputada antes de completar 23 anos. 
 2. Hasna, refugiado sírio, tem ajudado seus compatriotas feridos em conflitos confeccionando próteses em 3D. 
 3. Os primeiros objetos em 3D confeccionados por Hasna foram um marcador de livros e um ímã de geladeira. 
 4. A mulher que perdeu sua mão direita na guerra da Síria ajuda seu compatriota Hasna, confeccionando membros em 3D. 
 5. A organização – ROW –, situada em Amman, ensina refugiados a confeccionar membros em 3D a um preço acessível. 
 Assinale a alternativa correta.

#9. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
    In the fragment of the text “the researchers discovered a range of microscopic organisms from the ocean”, the word range is closest in meaning to:

#10. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
  Based on the text, choose the correct option:

#11. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
  . According to paragraph 10, the correct alternative is:

#12. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
According to the text, the correct alternative is:

#13. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
In the fragment of the text “people have managed to live with such unpredictable and destructive occurrences”, the adjectives unpredictable and destructive can be replaced with no change in meaning, by:

#14. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
According to paragraph 4, the correct alternative is:

#15. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2?

#16. (IESES – IGP-SC/2017)
According to the text, tsunamis are caused by several conditions, EXCEPT:

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